Let’s be honest, standard medical treatment responses for cancer, i.e., chemotherapy and radiation, no longer make any sense.
One day they did, a long time ago, but not now.
One day it seemed plausible that cancer must be the result of something wrong happening inside the body; something dreadfully wrong. And what do we do when “wrong” things happen? When we’ve been attacked? We avenge it. We retaliate. We wage war, granting license to kill. That’s the purpose of chemotherapy, as it is with radiation; to kill cancer tumors. That is cancer treatment 101 today, as it has been as far back as anyone remembers.
If you haven’t noticed, we’re losing the war on cancer. More people are getting it. It’s starting to look inevitable. We’re gearing up for an even bigger, more expensive fight.
But perhaps if we looked at cancer and our standard responses, if we earnestly studied the methods used by people (and practitioners) who have successfully helped their cancer patients truly cure, we’d have the road map to success. Except that it would mean a medical response that is very different than the current Standard of Care.
Chemotherapy and radiation no longer make sense, not when you look at the body as an environment, which we rarely do.
Cancer cells don’t grow in atmosphere. They grow in an ocean of water that, when it is healthy, is very much like ocean water. However, the water that cancer tumors grow in is not healthy. It’s not balanced. It’s mineral deficient. Besides blood cells, we have intracellular and extracellular fluids, which is mainly water. When chemotherapy or radiation are used, the already bad water gets worse.
Yet, no one seems to be looking at this as an area of possible corrective action that might yield different results.
Water makes up the environment that all life within the human body exists in. Yet, in the same way we totally disregard the effects of applying millions of gallons of Corexit in the Gulf of Mexico in an attempt to reduce the visible volume of the oil, modern medicine disregards the effect of water’s chemicalization. We do it so often and in so many ways, we’ve stopped considering the possible implications, stopped asking whether chlorination and fluoridation contribute to the onset of chronic diseases, and stopped considering that there’s anything to be learned there.
Chemotherapy doesn’t make sense due to the effect it has on the environment, which had already been sufficiently corrupted in order to support carcinogenesis in the first place. All chemotherapy and radiation does, is make the environment conducive to more tumor growth.
Yet, doctors are still advising that cancer patients take chemotherapy and radiation (as well as surgery). Their training and treatment guidelines don’t recommend corrective measures based on nutrition, toxicity reduction, and mineral, microbial, and enzymatic replenishment. These should be first-line practices. They don’t even make the list of tools in the oncologists toolbox.
When a doctor called me recently to ask about MMS, I could hardly believe what she was telling me. But now I see, this is how modern medicine still gets people to take these inane procedures.
Thank you for your post. Unfortunately, as I said, my friend is still very uncomfortable with ignoring “standard” medical protocol, even when she knows in her heart that it is not helping her – she even told me herself that they are “shooting in the dark” with their procedures. I think many people, when faced with making a life-changing decision, are too scared to take that leap of faith. I am just grateful that she is willing to take baby steps down the path of alternative possibilities.
I will keep your suggestion of Graviola in mind and mention it to her when the opportunity arises.
Many thanks,
Adam, this most recent post has hit very close to home for me as I am watching a very close friend battling cancer for the third time in 3 years.
Three years ago, an initial diagnosis of colon cancer was treated with radiation and 2 weeks of chemotherapy, which obviously took its toll on her body. She received a clean bill of health afterwards, until 2 years later, when cancer tumors appeared on her liver. At this point, surgery was presented as an option, and she was okay again…until this spring (approximately 8 months later).
This time around, she came to me for my advice. She knows that I strongly believe, as you do, that our health depends on maintaining balance within – balance nutritionally, emotionally, and spiritually. We met once a week for a couple of hours at a time, and worked at determining the underlying emotional imbalance in her life – with significant discoveries that had not been addressed the first two times around with cancer. I taught her how to meditate, how to destress with tai chi exercises, how to think differently and re-evaluate her relationships with those around her. When it came time for treatment, she chose to go along with the doctor’s recommendation of chemotherapy and a radiation of her ENTIRE LIVER. What made the difference in her recovery was her decision to take bentonite clay in the weeks between her therapies, as well as her new attitude regarding relationships and taking control of her life. The clay alone helped restore her ph, replenish some minerals, and detoxify the *crap* they fed her during chemotherapy. Her whole family has noticed how much better she is this time around.
Her treatments are finished now, and I pray that she will have the strength to continue taking control of maintaining the BALANCE in her life, to look after herself and allow her body to heal itself as it was intended to when we were created.
We CAN help make a difference, one person at a time. Thank you for all the wonderful work you do on all our behalf. With much gratitude, Julie.
Canadian Farm Girl, Julie.
Your close friend may want to try Graviola it is 10 thousand times more effective than chemo, and it is all natural food but it targets cancer cells, it lower the electrical voltage of the cancer cell, and kill it. I think Graviola, and MMS a few times a week should work fine, but Jim may know more about this, how to use MMS with Graviola, He may know people who used it. The problem with natural products is , that how, and what dosage to use? Like for anxiety,all prescription drugs work by making Gaba. But you can buy Gaba in the health food store, and
L-Theanine, and Taurine and you dont get all the side effects. But the dosage on the bottle may say to take 100 milligram a day, and that is nothing
an adult will need 2000 milligram 3 or 4 times a day. If anyone buy the 100 milligram bottle, it will not work, so they will just buy the drug with all the side effects, and they will have to buy more drugs, for the side effects.
So I dont know about How much Graviola would be the right dosage, I would think it would be the same, 2000 milligram 4 times a day, it is a food, and any amount will do no harm.
I agree, it doesn’t make sense, rather a LOT of “cents” for those who own the medical “industry”. Here lays the overall mutation in the so called system. It is flawed for a reason. How many doctors would be appalled to know that they have been scammed into an extensive indoctrination that is both expensive in time and money, only to serve as an overeducated drug pusher? But it is the truth. They have been bought and sold by big pharma and it will never end until we wake up and smell the roses. And that is, there is a cure for cancer, but they don’t offer it and they will continue to mis-educate until we are all victims to it until our death, all the while lining their golden pockets with more coins.
So, where does that leave us solution makers? It is our duty as informed human beings, to reach out and make these solutions known, ESPECIALLY to our Doctors!!! If we can get them to wake up and see as others have, we can change the entire system, pull the wool off the eyes of those who are serving it, and change it. Doctors don’t become doctors to assist in the kill. They become doctors to help people find and maintain health. They need to know that they have been scammed, bamboozeled and to step over to the other side and assist this team in offering true health. I am gathering information at this time to create a small Body 101 book that helps people see that changing the oil every 3,000 miles is the least they can do for their flesh and bone vehicle. When will we take better care of our bodies than we do the tin cans we drive around in? Stop buying the processed food the industry offers us with fake taste and convenience. Start buying fresh local organic real food and give your body the nutrition that our sun and soil provide. Then test for toxins and detox them. Maintain a proper ph. It’s not that difficult to do, but we have to offer a true education around health. It is time to for the old paradigm to shift.
How can we team up and get this message out LOUD and CLEAR? And I’m not talking about the finger pointing, rather the solution sharing. I just had to express how we got where we are so we know clearly where we are going, and that is in an entirely different direction than what the “industry” currently offers.
Dear sir hello
I have at the end of colon canser how can figth it???
Dear Nikos,
With the highest respect, I’d say that the first thing you need to do is that a fight is not necessary, but balance is. If you take steps to restore balance in your body, and to your LIFE, which includes restoring JOY, PEACE, and LOVE, then your LIFE will change. The old adage, “Make live, not war,” is powerful beyond words.
If you would take time to surround yourself with people who love and respect you, and whom YOU love, respect, and value, you’ll begin to build and experience relationships that are free of combative and stress-filled drama. Find a doctor or a knowledgeable individual to guide and advise as to how to best restore balance for your body. Areas to address will include hydration, mineral replenishment, detoxification (and dechemicalization), and aerobic microbial restoration. There are many products that can assist in your rebalancing efforts, but YOU must take the lead. A fight is not necessary. A rededication to balanced living is.
Best wishes,